Sunday 15 February 2009

Hiding Metal Swing Chains... Welcome to the 5th Metamorphosis Monday!

I can't wait to see all the great "Before and Afters" posted for this Met Monday!

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Of all the transformations I've ever made in my home, the one I'm about to share may be the easiest and least expensive for the largest impact or improvement. While my screened-in porch was under construction, I searched high and low online and locally for a white, outdoor wicker, swing. I finally found one I loved online at Wicker Paradise. (Click on their name to go to their website.) When it arrived, it was exactly what I had anticipated and I loved how it looked once it was hung...well, all accept for the ugly chains and the scary GIANT HOOKS! Did you hear JAWS music playing just then? :-)

Yep, their ugly aren't they?! Well, they were not exactly fitting in with my vision for the porch. So what to do?

I came up with this idea...while shopping at Hobby Lobby, I found these nifty sleeves designed to cover electrical a cord you might have running along a wall to a lamp or down the chain from the ceiling to a chandelier.

My contractor helped me remove the GIANT HOOKS...did you just hear JAWS music? I swear I think I heard JAWS music. Ummmm, anyway...I bought additional chain at The Home Depot to extend the length for the high porch ceiling.

The covers stay up nicely and hide all the mechanical "stuff" where the swing attaches to the ceiling.

A little closer on pic to enlarge...

And another...

The covers/sleeves have zillions of tiny snaps running the entire you just put them around whatever you want to cover and snap away. I used four sleeves, one for each of the long parts of the chain and then one for the small sections, cutting it in each half went over each small section. I used fabric glue (also purchased at Hobby Lobby) to "hem" the raw edges where I cut the sleeves in half. You can see a better photo of the covers for the swings in THIS post.

Don't you love it when you make a little change that has a big impact, for not a lot of expense and effort! :-) And the best more scary JAWS music...whew!

Don't forget to check out all the awesome Met Monday posts! Happy Met Monday!

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