Saturday 21 February 2009

Questions...Do You Have Questions?

Do you have a question for me?

I often have this nagging feeling that I've missed answering a question someone has asked. One day when I was surfing Blogland, I noticed another blogger had a "Question Day" to speak.

So here's your chance! :-) Do you have a question for me? Would you like to know where I purchased something you have seen on my blog? Are you curious what I do all day that keeps me from being able to visit your wonderful blogs as often as I'd like? Do you want to know how to embed a video into your blog...something I've just learned to do recently? Whatever you want to ask, I'll try to answer...if I can.

E-mail your question to me at and sometime soon I'll post your question, minus your name, of course...with hopefully an answer. All questions will be ask whatever you like. (If you leave your question here in the form of a comment, I am guessing you won't mind my publishing it with other comments.)

It's a gorgeous day here in Georgia, albeit, a bit chilly. The sun is shining brightly so it seemed like the perfect day to share a cute little present I bought just before Christmas. I had intended on making it a Christmas gift for someone, but, the night I wrapped all my Christmas presents, I was watching Desperate Housewives and got distracted. (LOL) So....I forgot to put a name tag on it...have you ever done that?

A couple of weeks ago, I finally got around to opening the box to see what was in was this neat bulb kit, complete with bulbs, "soil" and a little basket. Don't worry...I bought several presents for the person for whom the gift was all is well! :-)

I followed the directions and stuck them down in the peat mossy looking stuff they came with...and LOOK...

They are starting to shoot up...

I'm having a little trouble remembering exactly what they are...

But, I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be Paperwhites. Now if I can just remember to water them from time to time, you might be seeing these in a future tablescape. :-)

Monday is Metamorphosis Monday...Yipee, I can't wait! What have you been re-doing in your neck of the woods? Can't wait to see all the great Before and Afters!

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