Wednesday 18 February 2009

Game Night with Trivial Pursuit... Welcome to the 26th Tablescape Thursday & the First Ever Foodie Friday!

It's game night, grab a Coke and come join in. In pursuit of some fun, I'm hoping you won't think it too trivial if I share this little tablescape, and a little tale of a night I'll never forget. :-)

Many, many years ago, when my DH was a mere Captain in the U.S. Army, Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG Corps), we were invited to dinner at the home of one of my DH's superiors, a Colonel, who was also an Officer in the JAG Corps. After dinner, the Colonel and his wife eagerly suggested a game of Trivial Pursuit.

They suggested we team up..."them" against "us." Though I knew my DH was one smart cookie, so was the Colonel and his wife. He was an Attorney, like my DH, and she had her PhD in Psychology. Plus, they were both licensed pilots...we were just a little bit intimidated.

You could sense their excitement...they made a point to tell us they had NEVER, EVER lost a game of Trivial Pursuit. Well, up until that night, neither had my husband. I, on the other hand, have a memory like a sieve! (LOL)

I knew I was probably going to be next to useless, in answering questions throughout the game. However, I had complete confidence in my DH. I had often accused him of being a "walking set of encyclopedias." This was before the days of Google or would have accused him of being a "walking Google!" :-)

The game commenced and we were holding our own...thanks to my DH. Each couple was allowed to confer with their partner when their turn came up. As I had anticipated, I was of little help to my DH throughout the game.

We had been playing for what seemed like FOREVER! The Colonel and his wife were getting edgy because we were tied, neck and neck.

We had each been in the center once. And now, as the dice was rolled by my DH, we were in the center again, needing just one last pie slice to win the game. With raised eyebrow, the Colonel read the could have cut the tension with a knife!

I don't remember the exact wording of that final question...but it basically went like this: What substance, sometimes used as a sweetener, can also be used as an antiseptic for a cut or wound?

FINALLY, I KNEW ONE! I eagerly leaned over and whispered into my DH's's "honey"...the answer is "honey." He looked at me like I was nuts and asked, "Are you sure?" "YES, yes," I whispered. "The answer is honey!"

My DH didn't know what to think; he slowly and somewhat reluctantly turned to the Colonel and his wife and asked, more than stated, "honey?"

I will never forget the look on their faces. It was all we could do to keep from jumping onto their table and doing a little jig right there! As my Father-in-Law was often known to say, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then." That would pretty much describe my talents at Trivial Pursuit. :-)

Hope you enjoyed this tale of Trivial Pursuit. Please take time to visit each of the tablescape links posted above. I can't wait to see all the wonderful tablescapes on this Tablescape Thursday! :-)

(Several folks have asked about the Trivial Pursuit paper plates and napkins used in this little tablescape. I'm sorry to say, I'm not sure now where I purchased those because they were bought so many years ago.)

Friday is the first Foodie Friday and I'm joining in with my Tablescape Thursday post. Ok, I know I'm just serving up good ole Coca-Colas and Popcorn...but I can't miss out on the first ever Foodie Friday, hosted by our dear Gollum, at Designs by Gollum. To view some wonderful foods that weren't popped in a microwave or poured from a bottle :-) just click HERE.

If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for detailed instructions.

Please copy and paste the Tablescape Thursday logo button to your computer. Then you can upload it to your side bar and use it in your tablescape post so your visitors will know you are participating.

Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Thursday.

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The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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