Wednesday 11 February 2009

Valentine's Tablescape! Welcome to the 25th Tablescape Thursday!

I'm sharing a fun little Valentine's Tablescape today...hope it gives you a little chuckle and makes you smile! :-)

If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for detailed instructions.

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Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Thursday.

Please do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

Last week I posted a Valentine's tablescape that was fairly traditional...with lots of that bold color, RED. You can view that post by clicking HERE. This week's table is all about the color, PINK, and I'm going for silly and whimsical. I pulled my inspiration from this little dish I found on sale right after Valentine's Day last year at Kohls.

Do you see the pink feather boa around the centerpiece? :-) (Click on pics to enlarge)

Apothecary jar came from Marshalls several months ago...

Found these cute, pink "heart" dishes at Michaels this year for only $1 each...

Salad plate is Homer Laughlin...not sure of the pattern since the name isn't shown on the back. I found six, 5-pc place settings on eBay for around $35...including shipping.

Bet you recognize this's the one used on our TT button. It's made by International and the pattern is Glenwood. Found it while out antiquing one twenty+ pieces for around $14 and then bought some fill in pieces off eBay. Lace chargers are from Horchow online, a couple of years ago.

I joined a Red Hat group when I was only 48 years old. If you are a member in a Red Hat Club and you aren't yet 50, you can't wear the true Red Hat Society colors, red and purple. Instead, you are supposed to wear what they call the "watered down" colors, pink and lavender. I like the colors pink and lavender much better I was quite happy about that! As you know, Red Hats really dress up when they get together. This cute little fluffy thing was part of a set of wrist thingies...not sure what they are called.

I thought they looked cute around the stems of the glasses in this whimsical tablescape.

Continued the "conversation hearts" theme in my centerpiece...
I used a pink feather boa left over from my Red Hat days, around the base of the jar.

A little closer view...

Around 5 years ago, I received these sweet bees wax candles as a gift from a friend. They are kind of an unusual size and I've never been able to find a use for them. I loved how they looked , surrounded by the little conversation hearts.

Candlelight, so romantic...

Speaking of conversation hearts, I was stunned when I stopped during my tablescaping to actually read some of the hearts. Guess Brach's is trying to keep up with the times...check out these messages... (Email Me, Top Chef and I.M. Me)

I couldn't resist these edible love notes...found these at Wal-mart...

The pen really works and I ate one...tasted pretty good. :-)

Thanks for stopping by! Please take time to visit each of the tablescape links posted above. I bet there will be lots of great Valentine's Day tables...can't wait! :-)

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