Wednesday 10 February 2010

Valentine's Day Tablescape! Welcome to the 77th Tablescape Thursday!

With Valentine's Day only four days away, I thought I'd post a Valentine's tablescape I created last year. This year, you get to see it with BIG that should make it more fun! :-) Since this tablescape actually has some real food on the plates, :-)

When I put this tablescape together, I couldn't decide if I wanted it in my breakfast room or dining I decided to put it in both! It was a bit of work to set it up in two different rooms, but what a neat opportunity to really see how the room decor will completely change the look and feel of a tablescape.

First...the breakfast room...

The crystal candle holders were a gift I received almost 20 years ago. The center piece was crocheted by my Mom over 50 years ago.

I had been wanting to try a new Wilton "heart shaped" baking dish I bought recently. It worked like a charm...the little heart cakes came out very easily. I found mine in the Base Exchange on a local Air Force Base, but I've also seen them in Michael's.

I filled them with raspberry preserves...doesn't this make you want to take a bite right out of your computer screen! ;-)

I used my Lenox, Butler's Pantry, Gourmet dinner plates as chargers for this tablescape. The dinner plate is vintage Tower by Spode and the red salad plates are from HomeGoods. (You'll get a better look at the dinner plates in the dining room setting.)

Pearl napkin rings are from Old Time Pottery...only $1.00 each...last time I was there, they still had these available.

Do you remember a while back when I shared this pic of the pantry of designer, Bunny Williams? I found it in her wonderful book, An Affair with a House. It's one of my absolute favorite decorating books and I included it in the Amazon widget posted on my sidebar.

When I first came across this pic of her pantry, I was awestruck by how organized it was, and I was dying to know what all those dark blue boxes were. I enlarged the pic and it turns out they are candles from Colonial Candle. Bunny must have them in every color for every occasion!

I've used Colonial Candle candles in my Valentine's Day tablescape and the color is called, Red Rouge. You may visit their website to see all their wonderful products by clicking HERE.

The crystal is Waterford: Iced beverage is Araglin and Goblets are Crimson Hock. The Crimson Hock goblets are available HERE.

When I bought these little ruby flash salt cellars a few years back, I was thinking they would be great for Christmas...I forgot about the other "red" holiday. :-)

I was searching for some inspiration for a Valentine's Day table a few weeks back, when I stumbled across this cute pitcher at Old Time Pottery for only $4. I filled it with berries from my nandina bushes. I chose to not use any other greenery with the berries...wanted to keep this tablescape all red and white.

Birds-eye view...

Now, let's take a look at this same tablescape...but this time it's in the dining room. The table is set with six place settings, instead of four...glad I made six cakes. :-)

Flatware is Towle, King Richard

Close-up of Spode, Tower...this china bears the old Copeland Spode hallmark, indicating it was produced in the 1920's.

Bread plate in Spode, Tower...

Another view of the little ruby flash salt cellars... which room did you like this tablescape best?

Looking forward to seeing your beautiful tablescapes!
I'll also, be linking up to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.

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Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday.

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