Sunday 10 January 2010

Burlap and Organza Tableskirt: Welcome to the 52nd Metamorphosis Monday!

Okay...I'm cheating a tad for this Met Monday. I have my "Before" pic to show you in my bedroom...and an "After" pic from another home, to show you what I'm thinking about doing. But, first, I need your help.

This is a round table that's currently between two windows in my bedroom. Eventually, I hope to place matching chairs on either side, but that's another story for another day.

Notice the moire plaid fabric I've used prominently in this's visible on the large pillow shams, some of the smaller pillows and the bed skirt.

Okay, keeping that round table in my bedroom in mind, and keeping the moire plaid fabric in mind, let's visit a bedroom that was in one of the homes I toured on a recent Christmas home tour. See the round table on the other side of the room? Let's go over there and check it're going to love it!

I absolutely fell in love with this look the second I saw it.  Come a bit closer and let's get a better look.

It appears they have draped a tableskirt made of some type of open weave burlap over this round table, then layered a burlap topper (with a smaller weave) on top of the skirt.  Or, that could be a linen fabric they've layered atop the burlap. The best part, the part I think is really cute...they have layered organza over the burlap and linen. They finished it all off by attaching a wired, silk, plaid ribbon around the top.

I'm thinking of doing something similar with the table in my bedroom. I thought I might be able to make a wide, wired ribbon from the moire, plaid bed skirt that came with my bedding when I purchased it. I never used that skirt, since it was way too short. Instead, I had a longer bed skirt made in the same moire fabric.  That's what you see on my bed today.

One more close-up view... It's the combination of the casual, rugged burlap, with the delicate, dainty organza and silk ribbon, that really makes me love this look. I think the burlap would work pretty well with the seagrass rug that's already in my bedroom, too.

I'm not sure if I'll do this, it may be a bit too much for my room. Either way, I couldn't wait to share it with you. I just love it!

This whole room is really wonderful. It was decorated for Christmas, since this was a Christmas home tour. Don't you love the single large pine cone hanging at each window. Notice the rustic, dried-vine garland. I'm thinking those curtains must have already been in the room, because I'm not sure they go very well with the rest of the room. This home was just opened for the very first time to the public, for this tour. And, I think each room was furnished and decorated by a designer or store, so I'm pretty sure they had to work around the existing draperies/wall color.

Looking forward to seeing all your "Before and Afters."

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Fabulous "Before and Afters" await your visit:

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