Tuesday 26 August 2008


Have you ever noticed each time you decide to pull up stakes and move, you usually have this little list running through your mind...a list of what your next home "MUST have", or else, you would just as soon not move. And then there's that other list...the " WISH it had" list. At present, I am living in my third home, having lived in my first home four years, second home, seven years and now my third for eighteen.

My first home had an entry or foyer, sort of. It measured approximately 4 x 4...as in, feet...as in, tiny...as in, pretty-much-non-existent. Our second home was a bit better, but not much. There was no room in the entry for a table and I realllly wanted a table...with a lamp. On walks in the evenings I would pass by homes in the evening and see the warm glow of a lamp in their entry. It said, HOME...and I craved that.

By the time I was house hunting for the third time, the "must-have" and the "wish-it-had" lists had definitely grown. And running through my head, at the top of the "must-have" list, was the word "Entry" followed by the description, "large enough for a table with a lamp."

I have met so many wonderful friends in Blog Land. I do think it's time I welcomed you into my home. :-) So won't you please come in...I am so glad you are here!

The table with the...well, you know... :-)

Aglow at night...

View from Family Room...

Just in case you missed it the first time :-)

A few details...

Tree of Life rugs (or Tree rugs) are distinct in that they represent one of the oldest spiritual symbols in human history, predating Christianity and Islam. References to a "Tree of Life" that links mankind to heavenly worlds have been found in ancient cultures spanning from Europe to the Orient. (Description from Pak Persian Rugs online)


Virginia MetalCrafters...Torch Sconce

See that room through the French doors? Got big plans for that room...one day.
But that's a story for another day. :)

Thanks for stopping by...you are always welcome here! Before you leave...I'd love to hear what's on your "must-have" and wish-it-had" list!

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