Wednesday, 24 November 2010

I'm Being Real

i recently had a conversation with someone in my life that i am having a hard time with right now. i was sharing my feelings on a certain issue and he told me

"don't feel that way. please. it's not good."

i told him that i missed him and that i felt left out for the holidays and that i wished i was with him and his family for that is what has been my norm for the last 2 years. he is 4 hours away for thanksgiving and i am staying here. by myself.

we had problems with me being able to share my feelings in our relationship. he would always pry them out of me because sometimes i didn't know the best way to say them or i would feel silly expressing myself.

so i go to therapy and i am learning how to express my feelings in an appropriate manner. i was feeling left out. and sad. and that i was missing him, and decided that i would share that with him. i felt that i was being real with him. telling him how i feel. and he tells me not to feel that way. i still don't know how to react to that or what to think. all i know is that is not the response i was hoping for.


but i found this image. and it has made me feel so much better. something so little, but so true - 

" never apologize for saying what you feel. that's like saying 'sorry, for being real'. " 

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