Thursday, 25 November 2010

Things I'm Thankful For Thursday!

In true Thanksgiving tradition, this week's Things I Love Thursday will reflect a few things that I am thankful for (and thus love). 

1. Family. This is a given. I know not everyone gets along with their family at all times (even I don't), but it's nice to know that at the end of the day that they're there for me when I need them. It's also nice to have a second family around (Mike's!) and I love them just the same! 

2. Mike. While he is most certainly a large component of my "family" he deserves his own category for putting up with my whacky lady-mood-swings, inability to drive a stick shift, total lack of organization and the fact that I'm always begging him to help me find something. He's a stand up guy.

3. Georgia and Pip. Like Mike, I just felt like I needed to include them once more because I can't imagine what my life would be like without either one of them. I've grown so accustomed to Georgia's big self hogging the bed at night and almost pushing me off, and then Pip squirming her way onto my pillow and kicking me in the face. Every day at the puppy park makes me feel like a mama. So proud of her little ones.

4. All of you! My lovely blog readers. Blogging would not be remotely as fun as it is without you all. You comments, emails and tweets mean so so very much to me and I want you to know that I'm eternally grateful! I love finding new blogs to add to my everyday list and I also love all the penpals! (I'm catching up to you, I promise!)

5. Paul Rudd. Because, well, why not?! Who wouldn't be thankful for Paul Rudd?! (This one is for you, Mike!) :P

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it, and Happy Thursday to those of you who don't! We will be constantly driving around to several places today and tomorrow so I might not be around (But we get to get Toby tonight!!!). I promise to return soon! Stuff yourselves! xo

PS; What are YOU thankful for?!

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