Monday, 30 August 2010

Laugh Out Loud

if you have a few minutes to read this, i promise, you will not regret it.

i will do a short explanation of what's going on before we get into it:

there are a few rad people that i work with, that like to chat. we chat about anything and everything. there is always something to chat about. work stuff. people stuff. you know...stuff

there is one person that we work with that has been assigned to be the mentor of all of the supervisors on our floor. she is in charge of making sure that things get done. she is a 'pusher' if you will. she is to push us to get assignments done and make a change for good. which okay, that sounds like a great idea. but i digress.

we supervisors get tickets which are technical issues with our system, or escalated customers that need to speak with someone 'higher up'. they sit in an inbox until we complete them.

myself and a few of mentioned friends, get our tickets done in a timely manner, as we should. because why? it's our job. the mentor, not so much. so we believe that she needs to work on her own work, before she should be 'pushing' us to do ours. it only makes sense, right?

soooooooo, i get this IM the other day when i get to my computer after lunch. and i almost died. here goes...the following is the chat correspondence i had with a friend...

Halee Berry says (2:20 PM):
 High Five Halee: Welcome back folks!  I'm your host, High Five Halee.  It's that time again, time for everyone's favorite game show, GUUUUEEESS THE TICKETS!!!

(crowd cheers).

High Five Halee: Or first contenstant today is Miss Paislea Carlson (PIP of paislea waving at crowd and catching flowers from fans).  She loves cats, phillippinos and anything vintage!

(crowd cheers, wolf whistles ensue)
 (camera zooms to curtain)

Roger Shmoger: Well Halee, today we have a prize that you're sure to be jealous of!  Ringing up at a $5,298.00 value we have from Anthropologie the exquisit, queen size Forest Canopy Bed!

Halee Berry says (2:21 PM):

 High Five Halee: Alright! Now GUESS. THE. TICKETS!!!!!!

(crowd goes wild)

Paislea takes her 3 guesses:

paislea elyse said (2:54 PM):
 oh. my. gosh.

paislea elyse said (2:55 PM):
 you have made my day!
 but, my first guess High Five Halee, would have to be 21 tickets.

Halee Berry says (2:55 PM):
 oh, too high, 2 more guesses if you please

paislea elyse says (2:56 PM):
 darn. my next guess would have to be...14!

Halee Berry says (2:56 PM):
 High Five Halee:  She's done it!  I can't believe it, she's done it!!!  Contratulations Paislea!  You'll sleep like a baby tonight! 

(crowd goes insane and tried to rush the stage, bouncers hold them back)

 That was RIGHT ON!!!
Alright!  Well Paislea, you've qualified for the bonus round.  You now have three more quesses in which to tell us how old the OLDEST ticket is.  This round is a little different in that you HAVE to get it EXACTLY right.  Roger Shmoger, why dont you show her what's up for grabs this round!

(crowd cheers)

Halee Berry says (2:57 PM):
 Roger Shmoger: Well Halee, for this bonus round, should she win, Paislea will be privy to choose ANY Anthropologie bedding set to go along with her brand new bed! 

(more cheers)

High Five Halee:  Well Paislea, what'll it be?

(crowd in utter silence)
Paislea answers:

paislea elyse says (2:58 PM):
 the oldest ticket dates back to july 12, 2010

Halee Berry says (2:58 PM):
 oh! so close.  a little bit later than that if you please
 2 more guesses
Halee Berry says (2:59 PM):

 (please cheat cause i didnt write an ending if you get all 3 guesses wrong)

paislea elyse says (2:59 PM):
paislea elyse says (3:00 PM):
 july 22, 2010

Halee Berry says (3:00 PM):
 High Five Halee: OH MY GOSH!!! NO ON HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO GUESS EXACTLY RIGHT!!! This is unbelieveable!  I seriously have never seen this! 

(crowd goes insane)

High Five Halee:  Well, you've seen history here folks.  Come back next week and we'll see if we can do it again! G'night!

paislea elyse says (3:00 PM):
 would you like to know how much i love you?!?!hahhaha

Halee Berry says (3:00 PM):
 i thought you'd like that

paislea elyse says (3:01 PM):
 that was the best thing to come back from lunch to.

Halee Berry says (3:01 PM):
 gots to do something to have a good monday

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