Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Fallish Boots

fall is right around the corner. i have started getting out all of my cardigans, scarves and boots. and currently, i am obsessed with boots. i have quite a few pair|s of boots. and i love them all.

i have yellow boots. i have brown boots. i have black boots. i have polka-dotted rain boots. and the list goes on. boots are so much fun to wear. they look cute with almost any outfit and they're so comfortable.

in my opinion, they bring a bit of edge to an outfit. cause typically, before there were floral boots, i thought of men wearing boots when working construction. which there is nothing wrong with that, but they just didn't seem very feminine. but now, there are so many different colors and patterns that make them so much more cute.

but mostly, in the fall|winter time, boots are so amazing because they keep your feet warm from the cold. that is one of my favorite parts about wearing boots. if you wear your boots atop a few pair of woolly, snugglly socks, then your feet are guaranteed warmth.

i adore them. ♥











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