Saturday 1 March 2008

On the Home Front

Here are some resent pictures of the "Small Clan". I am so thankful that my brides are so embracing of my children. Like I said below we are all experiencing some cabin fever so hopefully soon we can go out and play without needing twenty minutes to put on all the outer-gear that is needed. We are hitting some milestones that us Mothers love to brag about. Emma is reading like a camp, and got a 100 on her last spelling test.....y-e-s spells Yes!.

Izze continues to amaze me with her artist ability and fashion sense.
She is the most dramatic and artistic. Her mannerisms are quite a hoot! Parker is totally obsessed with dinosaurs, especially T-Rex. You never know when he can change from a sweet boy to a fierce hungry T-Rex, you better be ready to run. Finally, Baby Thomas is crawling like crazy and pulling himself up to standing. Then, there is Chuck the dog, we rescued him for the Humane Society and have had him for over two months. He fits in perfectly. We are also in the midst of home renovations to expand the kitchen. It's coming along great and I will post pictures when it is fit to be seen. So here is my monthly update! Hope you and your families are all doing well too.

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