Monday 24 March 2008

Bethany and Rivaleno

Bethany is one of my dearest friends ever! She was the Maid of honor in my wedding, she and I lived together for 4 years. She helped me through so much personally and physically. I have been waiting for her to find the perfect guy. Her ideals were high, mine may have been higher! Beth or as Me and my kids call her, Betta, is a world travelor. She lived in Belgium as a exchange student in high school, was a teacher in China and worked as a missionary in Katzacstan, part of the former Soviet Union. I knew she would marry someone from another country. It turns out to be Rivaleno, or Riv for short. He was born in Haiti and lives now in Maine. I am so happy for the two of them! I am gushing! I knew he was the one when she told me all about her ring....only her dearest friend would know the specifics and he hit the nail on the head! Well Done Riv, thanks for making my girl so happy! I love you Bet!

Sunday 23 March 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope you all had a great Easter! The Small clan had the annual Hershey kiss hunt. The kids had a blast. They are getting really good, next year Peter and I may need to up our game. The girls put on their Easter dresses and we went to church. Then our family came over for Easter dinner. I love Big dinners, everything was so good and I was so full.

Here is a little Easter humor. This dress to the right is from the film 27 dresses. The inspiration behind this dress is the famous and much loved Easter treat...peeps. The similarity is frightening. I hope you all enjoy your holiday and got to have at least a few peeps. Happy Easter!

Thursday 20 March 2008

One of my passions....fruit!

Here are two weddings in which I used one of my favorite tools of the trade, fruit. I think fruit has such a natural beauty and can be as elegant and lovely as flowers. Each season has so many fruit to work with and guests love escort cards that they can munch on. Fruit can also be an inexpensive alternative to large flower arrangements.

The picture on the above right we used Apples to hold the table numbers instead of a stand. Apples can be a whole theme of your wedding and be used in the flowers, escort cards and even have apple pie instead of cake, it would be beautiful if you were getting married in an orchard or in the fall. It would also be cute for a bride or groom who is a teacher or doctor. Your imagination can run wild with the possibilities for this fruit.

The photo on the Left is an Asian Pear that was used in a fall wedding. Noelle is thinking of using clementines as escort cards. I also had a bride who used lemons and limes to make their daisies pop for a beautiful spring wedding. I would love to work with kumquats just because I think they are so cute! I wanted to talk about beautiful fruit and seasonal delights because as I am looking out my window and it is snowing!!! I am so tired of snow! I know what I need a pomegranate Martini with a slice of star fruit.....yum!

Monday 17 March 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Here is some fun and elegant ways to use the color green! Green is one of my favorite colors. It is great for outdoor ceremonies to compliment the surroundings or to make other colors pop. You don't need to be Irish to love green!

Hope you have a "lucky" Irish Day!
I love St. Patrick's Day! In my family it was as big as Christmas. Today I dressed Emma in green and painted shamrocks on Emma and Izze's cheeks. I made corn beef and cabbage yesterday, and will order tonight from our favorite pub. For lunch I am making green macaroni and cheese and green cookies ( my favorite)! I don't know why I love this day so much, maybe because of my name, Amber. I was named after beer, more specifically a great Irish Ale.
To celebrate the Irish, let's GO GREEN! Here is an article from the Knot, about some helpful hints to GO GREEN!

Reduce & Reuse

The key to a wedding that's eco- and style-conscious is to simplify. Reusing accents or materials doesn't just save money, it saves resources. Work with what you've got nearby (and in season) and feel good about your efforts.

Choose a Site with Significance

Look for a space that will benefit from your event, like a museum, a cultural organization, or an art gallery. Ask how the site will use your fee (hopefully toward new programs and upkeep of the institution). Want an outdoor event? Opt for a botanical garden, arboretum, or the grounds of a historic home -- it's likely you can even find one run by a nonprofit organization.

Recycle Your Decor

Decorate your ceremony space with items you can reuse at the reception, whether it's topiaries that go from the altar to the entryway or arrangements that decorate the program table and dress up your guest book area. You'll save money and waste less. When the evening is over, plan to donate the pieces to a nursing home or hospital. Call ahead to see if you can arrange a pickup from your site.

Decorate with Bamboo

A great and modern-looking option, bamboo is considered one of the most sustainable materials on earth -- it can grow up to two feet a day, "So it takes only three to seven years to mature, as opposed to 120 years for some nice oak!" explains Ariel Dekovic, coauthor of 365 Ways to Save the Earth. Use tall stalks of curly bamboo in centerpieces, or choose bamboo chargers for your reception tables. And of course, mini stalks of lucky bamboo are always a favorite favor.

Arrive in (Low Emission) Style

A Prius limo? That might not yet be a reality, but there are ecologically friendly options out there. If your wedding is near the water, leave your ceremony in a canoe. We've also seen couples depart on tandem bicycles, rickshaws, or old-school conveyances like a horse and buggy.

Light Soy Candles

Candlelight isn't only romantic, it's energy efficient. Look for soy candles -- they're made from a renewable resource, are cleaner and longer burning than regular candles, plus spills are easy to clean (just use soap and hot water). They're available in nearly every size, shape, color, and scent you can imagine.

So, I hope everyone is wearing a little green today (if not get ready for a pinch!) and have a great ST. PATTY'S DAY!

Friday 14 March 2008

Congratulations Christy!!!

My friend and colleague Christy Murray got married!! Christy is one of my favorite photographers. We have worked together on a couple of weddings and have so much fun together. She and her "husband" had a destination wedding in Isabela Puerto Rico. She and Dan had an incredible day with their close family and friends. A destination wedding is so perfect for Christy. She has such a sense of adventure and whimsy. I am so happy for her. These gorgeous pictures were taken by Christy's friend who is starting out in this business, Stephanie Leigh. This is one of my favorite photos. It was taken the next day.
These sessions are called Trash the dress. Trash the dress sessions take place a few days, weeks, or even months or years after your wedding day. And no, you don't actually destroy your dress, you just get it a little dirty before you clean and store it. You don't have to worry about the reception or getting your dress dirty. I love these risky and sexy photos, they seem so much fun. You can do it alone or with your new husband. The most popular place to take them is on the beach but you can also do them in the woods or on a mountain top. I love this trend so much I am thinking about doing some this summer for an anniversary gift to my husband. If you have never thought of doing a trash the dress session, I would greatly encourage you to plan on it. If you are already married, what a great excuse to wear your dream dress again!

Off to The Breakwater Inn and Spa

Later today I am heading off to Kennebunkport to visit the Breakwater Inn and Spa. I am so excited. Thomas and I are leaving later this afternoon and then we are off to stay with my cousin. We will be visiting with the events manager tomorrow morning. This is were Lisa and Alex are getting married. They are renovating new banquet center, Chase Hill. I am going to see how the renovations are going and I am taking pictures for Lisa so she can see how things are coming along. I will post pictures later. Have a great weekend!

Due to renovations I had to cancel my trip. I am planning on trying again in April. Maybe then the tulips will be out and I can have a better idea what the landscaping. Keep you all updated.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Kari and Brock

So I have been working with Kari for awhile now. I just love her! I am so excited that I love my brides so much! Well, Kari and I got together to look at pictures. Kari knows what she likes but doesn't know what she wants. Does that make sense? So here is my advice. Find everything you like. Then find things that look similar to what you want, but you don't like. Then when you go to your florist you can say, "I like this, but not this" That way they have boundaries. Remember, vendors want you to be happy, and we love boundaries. So Kari decided she wanted green with accents of bright pink. I found some pictures.....Kari, do you LIKE these?

Wednesday 12 March 2008

It is all how you look at it!

So it is Wednesday....the middle of a very busy week. As I am getting ready to leave Peter with the kids for the weekend, except Thomas. Therefore I am trying to get my house in order....Spring Cleaning. I like to remember it is all how you look at things. Like I said in a previous post we are expanding our kitchen. It is going to be gorgeous, but right now it is in transition. I really struggle with transition. So I needed to remember, it is all how you look at it. When the kids have taken out EVERY toy in the playroom, I need to see how creative their play is Not that it is a HUGE mess. Wedding are the same way. The day is going to be amazing and so much fun, and everything that you dreamed. Your marriage is going to be great, being with the one you love! But the details leading up to that day is a big transition, or in my case a messy house =) So you don't get overwhelmed let's remember it is how you look at it. I like to look at the "big picture" What do you see your day looking like? Rustic in a barn, Modern, Classic, Nautical? Are there tons of flowers? Or is their tons of Candles? Are your guest dancing the night away, or lounging on couches and munching on delicious food. Once you see the Big picture break it down into the details. What is most important? What kind of flowers? Then use your budget to figure out where to put your money. If you love a certain site, then go there but remember you may need to compromise on how much flowers you have or if you have ballroom chairs versus garden chairs. Some your messy house is a more manageable house full of fun! Hope you have a great Wednesday and remember it all how you look at it!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Jenn and Josh

Jenn and Josh are getting married in May, at the Asticou Inn at Northeast Harbor. This couple is so much fun!!! They are really making their wedding weekend unique. First they are having a soccer game, bride-side vs. grooms-side after brunch on Sunday. I totally have to be there for that....oh maybe I can be the referee? My only thing is I have to have a red card because something tells me these guys are going to go all out especially since we don't need to worry about broken nails and bruised knees. The prize is bragging rights...that is a serious prize.

Now I am a sucker for a man in plaid and this wedding I may be swooning without end. To honor their Scottish heritage they are inviting all the men to wear their family tartan. They will also have a bagpiper to play. So Fun! I am so looking forward to this wedding. I will be sure to get some pictures of the game and let you know who wins. I am rooting for the girls! No offense Josh!

Monday 10 March 2008

Introducing Mason and Craig!

Mason and Craig are getting Married Labor Day weekend in Northport Maine. Here is their story as told by Mason and Craig's website:

Craig likes to say that Mason roller-bladed into his life one day and that was it. Thanks to Mason's cousin, Jay, Craig's then roommate, Mason did happen to stop by their apartment in Southie one warm winter day while on a roller-blading outing with her roommate. Mason remembers that Craig was sitting on the couch practicing his guitar playing (so cute) and her interest was peaked! Several months passed and by spring of 2001 Craig and Mason were enjoying each other's company at places 23 year olds the Big Easy in the Alley and Big City in Allston.

Congrats Lisa!!

One of my brides, Lisa, she has been studying for her US board exams for being an internal surgeon (that the wedding planner explanation). She just emailed me to tell me she passed!! I am so happy for her. She is one smart cookie! She has one more exam in May, so she not celebrating too much, I just wanted to say Congrats Dr. Lisa! I think she could be on Grey's Anatomy she is so stinkin' cute. Her wedding is in Kennebunkport in September. It is going to be gorgeous. I will let you know more because I am visiting the Inn and Reception Hall this weekend. I will give you all the scoop then. I am so proud of you Lisa...celebrate a little for me!

Thursday 6 March 2008

Gotta LOVE a great steal!

I found these beautiful Italian Glass drink dispensers on Clearance!!! Nothing feels better then a good steal! They will be beautiful for displaying lemonade and ice tea for your guest to sip on before the ceremony or for a rehearsal dinner.
I am starting to acquiring high end merchandise for my brides to rent. My hope is that my brides have high quality beautiful detail pieces without spending tons of money. It just never made sense to me why three of my brides would all buy vase and glassware for a Candy Buffets and then never use it again. Two things happen, either one, they buy cheaper glassware to save money, but they don't love it. Or they buy what they love and then spend hundreds of dollars on one detail of the wedding. My goal is that my brides can have gorgeous containers for their candy buffet and adorable silver scoops or Italian glass dispensers for pomegranate lemonade, or raspberry ice tea.
I hope to update my website soon with all my inventory, I'll keep you posted on all my steals!

Sunday 2 March 2008

Happy Birthday Heather!!

Today is my assistant, Heather, birthday. Since I love her I won't tell you how old she is...but she is a stunner! I am so lucky to have such a great assistant. She is such a hard worker and a great friend. Here she is helping me with Carrie and Adam's wedding. I was due to have Thomas in four days. She made more trips up and down that hill for me, such a hard worker. In Heather's previous life she was a Marine, and she was hard core, still is. She was stationed in Japan and California. She is the proud Mother of two beautiful girls, Ella and Evelyn. Happy Birthday Heather!!!
Side note: Man, I was the size of a whale!! I kept telling Carrie and Adam they were crazy to hire me. Thanks for trusting me stomach and all! This is the most pregnant I ever was for a wedding. The other time was when I was eight months. The Father of the Bride was a doctor as well as one of the brothers of the bride and many of the guests. My funniest wedding moments ever was at that wedding when a very drunk Doctor came up to me dancing and said, "keep those knees together beautiful, I haven't delivered a baby since my first year of residency." I almost died laughing, he was a top surgeon in the Bangor area. Another reason why I love my job, dancing and alcohol, it can be a dangerous combination, no matter how much education you have!

Saturday 1 March 2008

Looking for who makes these shoes

We have a fashion emergency. One of my brides saw these shoes on the knot, and they would be perfect for wedding. She is doing Gardenias and these shoes are just adorable. We haven't been able to find them anywhere. So I am calling on my blog buddies, do you know where to look. I will take any suggestions. Only us girls can truly understand the importance of the perfect shoe, and how when you find it, it becomes an obsession. Shoes are such a huge thing, that and hair. So let's help the sisterhood and help Leslie find her dream wedding shoes!!!

On the Home Front

Here are some resent pictures of the "Small Clan". I am so thankful that my brides are so embracing of my children. Like I said below we are all experiencing some cabin fever so hopefully soon we can go out and play without needing twenty minutes to put on all the outer-gear that is needed. We are hitting some milestones that us Mothers love to brag about. Emma is reading like a camp, and got a 100 on her last spelling test.....y-e-s spells Yes!.

Izze continues to amaze me with her artist ability and fashion sense.
She is the most dramatic and artistic. Her mannerisms are quite a hoot! Parker is totally obsessed with dinosaurs, especially T-Rex. You never know when he can change from a sweet boy to a fierce hungry T-Rex, you better be ready to run. Finally, Baby Thomas is crawling like crazy and pulling himself up to standing. Then, there is Chuck the dog, we rescued him for the Humane Society and have had him for over two months. He fits in perfectly. We are also in the midst of home renovations to expand the kitchen. It's coming along great and I will post pictures when it is fit to be seen. So here is my monthly update! Hope you and your families are all doing well too.

Spring is Coming????!!!!!

March 1st has arrived and that makes me feel like spring is just around the corner. However, as I write this we are in the middle of another snow storm. I love Maine for many reasons, one being that I love all four seasons....however I am feeling a little snowed out. I long for the smell of spring, melting snow and mud. I am excited to see the crocuses and tulips begin to bloom and a excuse to wear my wellies everyday. So here is to wishing for spring!!!!