Tuesday, 15 February 2011

"Love is Like A Grilled Hot Dog"

Valentine's Day Outfit

Yes, the title is courtesy of Mike. I have no clue what that means, but he sent me an email today (with a link in it that I needed) and that was the title. I think it has something to do with this being my Valentine's Day outfit and today was suspiciously warm (think outdoor party) and it made him think of 4th of July cookouts. (Sidenote: Mike is outside starting the grill for grilled veggies tonight and it just exploded and I saw it so I panicked and ran outside. He looked dumfounded and our neighbors were all like "WTF? You okay?" but seriously... he's going to blow our house up! It really went "Kaboom!" and I saw a giant flame shoot up in the back kitchen window! He claims it was "NBD!") Okay. anyway, as stated this was my outfit for yesterday. It was a low-key day but everywhere we went people told me how festive I looked. Red hair, red dress, red bow... you name it! It's my favorite! I love wearing red anyway. I feel bold and sassy.

The dress and studded belt are from Forever 21. The tights are Target. The wedges are Dolce Vita x Target. (You're going to get to a point you scold me for wearing these too much! "Go back to the flats, Kaelah! Switch it up!" Ha!) The bag is also from Forever 21. The headband is something I whipped up last week or something. Minnie Mouse much?

Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit

What did you get into yesterday?

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