In addition to shoes [!!!], I've become a bit more obsessed with makeup and nail polish. I mean, I've always liked makeup, don't get me wrong. But I was never really really into it. I'd find a blush or eyeliner that I liked and I'd simply stick with it. I ran out of Nars Orgasm blush and never felt like driving back to Franklin to pick up a $30 compact so I opted for someone's suggestion of Candid Coral blush by ELF. Amazingly it was $3 at Target! I actually really liked it so I continued to use it. It took me about 6 months go to through one little compact. Afterwards I found myself curious about the quality of the rest of the ELF line as someone inquired if I had tried some other things. Before moving out of Spring Hill I decided to run by Target and stock up on eyeshadows, blushes, lipsticks, etc. Then once I got settled in here I found a 50% coupon code for the lipsticks! I quickly ordered a whole bunch of them as well as some nail polish. The pictures below don't do my little collection justice, but I wanted to share my feelings toward this company on the blog because I've been pleasantly surprised!
I'm a firm believer in splurging on great primer, foundation, and any products that you just truly truly love. (Bare Minerals foundation, Fresh Minerals and Smashbox primer, and MAC Fluidline eyeliner in my case!). But what about the other stuff? I've loved their lipsticks so far! At prices between $1 and $5 ($2.50 on sale!), they've been so great! My favorite shade thus far is a tie between Party Pink and Rosy Raisin. [Those are in the "Mineral Lipsticks" section!]. I've also loved the bronzer! It gives me a nice pinch of color to welcome in Spring. I'm a naturally pale gal but it's not dirty looking on my skintone.
If you've got a Target in your area, be sure to swing by and see if they have an ELF section in their cosmetics department! It's definitely worth a shot! Even if you end up hating it, chances are highly likely that you will have spent under $5!
Now through the 28th: Buy one item, get the 2nd for 50% off! Use the code PRESHALF on orders of $20 or more!
I'm thinking about placing another order simply because the coupon code is so good! Hooray!
Have you ever used ELF Cosmetics? What are your thoughts? Worth the price? Better than you expected? What products are your favorite?
PS; This post is in no way, shape or form sponsored by or affiliated with Eyes Lips Face Cosmetics! I purchased these items with my own money. This is solely my personal opinion and I decided to do this post and review simply on my own account! I just like to share fun new products when I come across something fantastic.
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