Friday, 15 October 2010

Friday Favorite: Red!

Nothing too exciting to post today. I spent today with Mike in Hohenwald... thrifting, visiting family, picking up a few more boxes of owl stuff to bring home (and sort, photograph and sell), and then we photographed the first 75 items, not to mention everything for the Huge Handmade (& vintage) Giveaway! (It'll be up soon!) I'm really excited about it and excited about what we added to the already-awesome group of stuff! ONE lucky winner! Huzzah!

For everyone asking about the owls: I will be uploading them for sale at Kaelah's Closet over the next few days/weeks. I can't upload it all at once... It'd take me days! It took us hourssss to sort, photograph and measure the first 75! That's not even half of them! Some of the stuff I have is just too large to ship (40+ pound lamps! Two of them! Umbrella stands! Etc). [So if you live in/around Middle Tennessee and you wanna buy 'em, let a girl know!] I'll make an official announcement when they're posted though! Don't worry! 

And for this week's favorite (I've been slacking on FF!), I'm going with the color scheme of RED! Enjoy! I'll be back tomorrow with more excitement! Mama's gotta go make that money!

(via weheartit)

What are you favorite red things?

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