Thursday, 13 May 2010

Mike and KB: Round One!

So as most of you know, Mike and I dated about 4 years ago for the first time. He was 17 and I was 18 (cougar! haha). He was a senior in high school and I was about to start my freshman year of college. We only dated for a few months but we were absolutely inseparable the entire time... a far cry from now? Not really. We went our separate ways in November of 2006 and we both dated someone else for 3 years. I'm so glad our paths converged once more and we're currently walking in the same direction.

A big thank you goes to the anonymous person on my FormSpring who brought these photos to my attention. Upon cleaning out my computer yesterday, I stumbled across a couple more. Huzzah!

Don't judge me... That was the tail end of the "scene" phase for me and I may or may not have had crappy blonde extensions. Oof!

(HOLY lack-of-eyebrows here! Man alive! And I've def got the Tammy Faye eyelashes going on! Oh well, at least I can look back on it and laugh!)

So there you have it. Circa 2006 in all of it's glory. I found several photos of me from high school and I have some from when I was a witttttle kid. I'll post them as soon as I can get them scanned in. :) They're not pretty. So don't hate.

Now my question to all of you...

How long have you been with your significant other? Do you have any photos from way-back-when? If so, post links to them in the comments or make your own post and link me over! I wanna see!

Off to sleep!


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