Thursday, 11 February 2010

Lookbook.Nu Inspiration

Lookbook.Nu is a wonderful source of inspiration via street fashion and global culture, but part of me hates the whole "hipster-faux-modeling" fad going on with the website. I have a profile, but I have uploaded no pictures... mainly for the fact that I dont fit the typical lookbook stereotype (I know, I know... Why am I even talking like this should stop me?) but what I mean is... 99% of the people who post on there look cracked out, homeless children (albeit, well dressed) hipsters. I can appreciate the trend, and I can appreciate the site. But I'm not 105lbs and 5'10" with blonde hair and a european accent... and to me, thats what you need to be "hyped" on Lookbook. Whatever. It doesn't stop me from perusing every single day, though. It's very much based not only on fashion, but on photography, composition, and a pose. No lie. Not that this is a bad thing! It's a wonderful thing... it's like a little one-stop-shop for inspiration regarding fashion AND photography. And not to mention I've found some very very lovely blogs via Lookbook. Anyway, I don't know what this whole deal was even about really haha... Here are a few looks that I love from the front page.

i'd wear everything here. so sweet and delicate and young.

this skirt is SO dreamy! and it's from H&M! if anyone is in a city with an H&M and you have it (and would be willing to go buy it for me) please let me know! i can paypal you the money because i am in love! and i won't be at an H&M until may! boo! :(

this outfit has inspired me for a cute new look for mike! not that i'm trying to change the way he dresses at all, but he'd look cute in a little grey hoodie and badass jacket! :D

i enjoy the composition of this picture, and her headband!

P.S... Lookbook is invite only, so if you'd like for me to invite you, leave your email below (Spell it out to avoid spam! ex. kaelahbee (at) gmail (dot) com). I'll invite as many people as it'll let me :)

Also, I'm not sure how many of you like to buy stuff online and all that jazz, but I have a few websites that are invite-only and they have HUGE sales on Philip Lim, Anna Sui, etc etc etc! Just click the links to be invited!

or if you're more of a, etc shopper, get rebates for all of these places when you shop online!

I can vouch for the authenticity of all of these sites as I (and many of my friends) have used them. They're a great way to get in on some SERIOUS secret sales and get money back in your wallet! :D we all know i LOVE to shop!

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