Saturday, 29 January 2011

House Lust

The War of the Wallpaper continues and at the suggestion of many readers, I'm giving fabric softener a try. If this doesn't work, I'm heading over to either Lowes or The Home Depot tomorrow to purchase a wallpaper steamer. I will not surrender...victory will be mine! Hear that, wallpaper!!!

See that baseball wallpaper behind the fabric softener. That's in my son's bathroom and it's adorable paper...but I guess I'll be tackling it sometime down the road, too. It went well with his baseball themed bedroom. If you'd like to see this bathroom, let me know and I'll share it with you sometime. This will be another bittersweet remodel.

As promised, I opened the sealed door this morning and...

Here's how the flooring looks so far with just one coat of poly. The color isn't quite golden enough, so we'll work on that when the flooring crew comes back on Monday, but I'm definitely liking hardwood flooring in this room...soon to become my office/study/playroom/retreat.

I'm having trouble visualizing what I want in this room besides the Pottery Barn Bedford office furniture. I envision a seating area with a lamp and table for those times when I want to sit down, relax and read a bit. This room is going to be more than office. I want it feel a little like a retreat, a fun place. I think I'm going to have to slow down and quit trying to "complete" this room in my head and let it evolve like all the other rooms in my home have done...know what I mean? I'll get the office furniture moved in and "live" in here a little while...then I'll know the direction to go from there.

On a fun note, Julia at Hooked on Houses just celebrated her Blog's 3 year birthday! Whoo Hoo! I love visiting Hooked on Houses and Julia is one of the nicest, Bloggers you would ever want to meet! In her post about how she first became inspired to start her blog, she talks about getting her inspiration from the book, House Lust: America's Obsession With Our Homes.

I've been meaning to order this book for some time and I finally did. Julia was's a great read! I don't want to do anything (including remove evil wallpaper) but read this book! It delves into why we not only love our own homes but why we love seeing the homes of others. It also gets into the issue of how the grass is always greener on the other side...the "if onlys" we think about regarding our own houses.

If you haven't visited Hooked on Houses, be sure to check it out! Julia always has something fun going's a must read for me every day. See you on Sunday evening for Metamorphosis Monday! Can't wait to see what you've been working on in your homes!

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