Sunday, 27 June 2010

Daily Photo

My pictures for today were actually taken yesterday (but you did this once and it was totally kosher!). And there are two of them. So it's totally okay. Yea... totally. I went to the Forever 21 flagship opening yesterday in Times Square. So of course there's a Times Square photo. I'm amazed that my crappy little iPhone took such a decent photo. But the funny one is next... I was leaving and walking behind these two little asian girls. I guess one had just bought this hat from F21 so the tag was dangling out of it. Not long after, she noticed and tucked it back in. I'm really bad about forgetting to take the tags off of things so I feel your pain, bby. YOU'RE GOING TO BE HERE IN A FEW DAYS! I AM SO EXCITED! THIS IS MY EXCITED TYPING! !!!!!!!! Love you, mean it. [CLICK HERE to check out Mike's Daily Photo].


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